How to join the MWOTRC

  • Please download our Membership Application in PDF format. Save the file to your computer, fill in the requested information, and then submit with your dues.
  • Dues are $20 a year which includes a subscription to the electronic edition in color of Radio Recall, sent by email.
  • Dues are $25 a year for those preferring a subscription to a black-and-white paper copy of Radio Recall sent by US mail.
  • If you join between January and June, you will only pay for the remainder of the dues year PLUS, as a convenience, all of the next dues year (See chart below).
  • If paying by check or money order (payable in U.S. dollars) please make it payable to "MWOTRC" and mail it to:
Joanie Ferrell Langdon
MWOTRC Membership
926 South Fairfax Street
Alexandria, VA. 22314>

The membership application is a PDF document that can be opended, edited and saved to your computer

The MWOTRC membership year begins on July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year. Persons joining by July 1 but on or before December 31 will pay for the entire year ending the following June 30. Persons joining January 1 or after will pay only partial dues for the remainder of the dues year, plus the entire dues year beginning July 1. Please use the following table to determine the amount you will pay:


Date Joining Standard
Email Rate
Postal Rate
July - Dec $20.00 $25.00
Jan - June $30.00 $38.00
Note: Jan to June will pay for the remaining of the current dues year PLUS all of the next dues year.

Pay Dues by PayPal:

MWOTRC Annual Dues

Pay Dues by Zelle:

If your bank provides Zelle, you can pay dues by sending a payment to "".

If you have questions, please contact us at