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The Joy Boys Coloring Book

coloring book, page 1 Timmi Pierce contributed a wonderful bit of Joy Boys history. In her words: I was the advertising and promotion manager at WRC Radio from '64 to '71, then later worked at NBC corporate.

One day, Ed and Willard decided to have a box top contest. They were reminiscing about contests in which listeners were asked to send in a box top for a "secret decoder ring" or some other such prize. So they asked folks to send in their box tops, and anyone who sent in a box top would receive a prize (to be determined later). Guess who got to dream up the prize to be determined!

They got everything from refrigerator carton tops to bitty bird seed box tops and I did the coloring book with my artist, Ann Kahl.

NBC was supposed to approve all such contests in advance, but this one was strictly from-the-hip... imagine how thrilled management must have been! Especially if you look closely at these drawings and the "inside jokes" they contain.

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