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Contents of Interviews #3: John Hickman and Ed Walker

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From WAMU-FM, December 1990: "Christmas
with the Joy Boys." This interview was hosted by
John Hickman and features Ed Walker. It was
one of John's last broadcasts.

1. Kids visiting studio / Theme (from 12/21/65)
2. John Hickman introduces Ed
3. Christmas wrapping
4. John & Ed & Old Granddad
5. Music (the Cliquot Club Eskimos)
6. History of Old Granddad
7. Arthur Codfish (Eggbert's Eggnog)
8. Breaking each other up
9. Phone calls
10. Unusual occupations (random Christmas cards)
11. Miss Monitor; other favorites
12. Mr. Fixit (neon Christmas sign)
13. Old Granddad; voice of Firestone
14. Yellow Ghost (outnumbered in a crucial battle)
15. Wrap-up

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