This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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by Adam Roslewicz
(From Radio Recall, August 2003)
Adam Roslewicz, our staff Quizmaster, is a big fan of old music as well old time radio. So he’s writing new words to old melodies....with an OTR theme.
His first is sung to the tune of "How About You?"
I love old radio, how about you?
"Escape" and "Shell Chateau", how about you?
I like "Lorenzo Jones", "Lum and Abner", too.
"Lights Out", "You Bet Your Life",
"Dragnet", "John's Other Wife".
How about you?
"Bing Crosby" and "Tom Mix", even "Sam Spade".
"Suspense", "Dimension X", "Your Hit Parade".
Tuning in to "Red Skelton" and "Gangbusters"
Can be fun, so nice to do.
And I like it, how about you?
I love those radio stars. How about you?
Like Art Gilmore and George Ansbro, how about you?
Hans Conreid, Howard Duff, Jessica Dragonette.
Jack Webb, Howard McNear, Eddie Cantor, Parley Baer, how about you?
Arthur Anderson, Orson Welles, and Milton Berle.
Bill Conrad, Harry Von Zell, set my heart awhirl.
Mason Adams, and Jackson Beck, and Bob Hastings, what the heck, to
mention a few,
But, I love 'em, how about you?
His second one is set to the melody of "Our Love is Here to Stay."
It's very clear, our love is here to stay.
Tune in and hear, the sounds of yesterday.
The radio and the programs and
So many stars we know,
Are here to entertain you, and never will go.
They're with us yet, so listen in today.
You won't forget, the shows you hear them play.
You're sure to wear a smile, so don't touch that dial.
You'll find that, come what may,
Our love is here to stay.
Adam’s third OTR song is based on the old standard: "Sentimental Journey."
Gonna take a sentimental journey,
Down to radio's mem'ry lane.
Gonna hear from "Mr. District Attorney",
And listen to old "Scattergood Baines".
Don't need a ticket, or even a reservation, Accompanied by "My Good
Heading for that "Grand Central Station",
Wanna see how "Portia Faces Life".
Listen, open up your mind, and listen.
Maybe you will find what's missin'.
Get yourself away from that Boob Tube,
Get in the groove.
"Big Band Remotes",
From Dorsey to Ben Bernie,
Listen in, relax again.
Gotta take a sentimental journey
Down to radio's memory lane.