This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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(From Radio Recall, April 2004)
Harry Bartell, a talented and cordial radio star passed away on February 26, 2004. Bartell, age 90, was born on November 29, 1913 in New Orleans, LA, and went on to be active in broadcasting for nearly half a century as an actor and an announcer.
Starting in the early 1930s, Bartell was active in radio, spanning every type of program and all of the networks. He appeared in over 180 different series, including adventure dramas, comedies, musical variety shows, westerns, and anthologies. His quick wit and nimble tongue with accents made him a sought after performer by radio directors.
Bartell was the announcer on Silver Theatre, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and The Casebook of Gregory Hood. By his own estimate, he appeared on over 10,000 programs during the Golden Age of Radio, including the first and last broadcasts of Gunsmoke and 173 episodes between them. He played Archie on Nero Wolfe and Lt. Siberts on each episode of Ft. Laramie. In the late 1950s, he moved into television and was seen on dozens of series, Dragnet, Peter Gunn, The Rebel, Laramie, I Love Lucy, Perry Mason and Wild, Wild West.
Up to the day he died, Bartell was actively communicating to the OTR community and to his many fans, usually by e-mail. He also made personal appearances at OTR conventions. Harry Bartell was a kind and loving person and we shall all miss him, with great affection.