This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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(Special to Radio Recall)
(From Radio Recall, August 2004)
Five hundred and fifty episodes of Mutual's Family Theater series, which aired from 1947 to 1969, have just been released in newly enhanced recordings. Most of these programs featured top Hollywood stars, beginning with the first show on February 13, 1947, "Flight From Home" with Loretta Young, Don Ameche, and Jimmy Stewart.
Modern technology was used to clean up distortion on the original acetate discs and magnetic audio tape to remaster them on CDs. "These radio programs now exist in better sound condition than the original broadcasts" announced Rev. Wilfred Raymond, the national director of Family Theater Productions. Most the the stories aired involved family unity, importance of faith and love, relationship problems, and childhood difficulties.
Nonprofit radio stations in Alaska, Nebraska, Oregon, Michigan, California, New York, Ohio, and Nevada will be airing these programs soon. Plans are underway to make them available commercially for sale to public.
To secure rights to broadcast these classic programs, you may contact Family Theater Productions through their web site, www.familytheater.org. You may also write to them at their headquarters (attention: Dan Petri), 7201 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood CA 90046.