This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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by Ken Neal
(From Radio Recall, December 2004; originally from March 1990)
Our first meeting of 1990 was held on Friday, January 12th, with 20 members and guests in attendance. Everyone was sad to learn of the passing of Stan Cawelti in December. Several members spoke of the great loss to the club of this most active member. Stan’s family asked that donations to the American Cancer Society be made in his memory and the club voted to make such a donation, with the club officers charged with determining the amount.
Jim Rappolt read some material about Stan that had been provided by the National Air & Space Museum regarding Stan’s contributions to their programs. Members who were unable to attend this meeting may obtain copies of this material by sending a SASE to the MWOTRC newsletter editor.
Stan is the only active member to have passed away since the club was founded and he was a very, very active member. He attended almost every meeting, helped in our presentations to the elderly homes and clubs, served as our newsletter editor, and had just been elected vice president.
Ken Neal proposed, and the club approved, the establishment of a Stan Cawelti memorial award. It will be given annually to the club member who gives of themselves and furthers the interest of the MWOTRC. An engraved trophy will be given to the winner and the honoree’s name will be put on a permanent plaque, which Ken Neal will donate. A committee made up of Nick Williams, Jim Rappolt, and Ken Neal has been appointed to draw up the rules governing this award for presentation, subject to the approval of the membership.