This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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by Mark Bush
(From Radio Recall, December 2005)
MWOTRC member Nick Williams died on October 8, 2005, just five days short of his 71st birthday. People who knew Nick only through our club missed an opportunity to enjoy his wide range of knowledge that included motion pictures, classical music, television, and literature. He read voraciously and retained most of what he read. He wrote articles for fan magazines and his many acquaintances included Max Terhune (Lullaby Joslin of The Three Mesquiteers), Linda Stirling, (star of Zorro's Black Whip) and Kirk Alyn (of the Superman serials), people he interviewed and with whom he corresponded for years. He did not seek them out for reflected glory; he took a shine to them and they to him.
Nick was certainly knowledgeable when it came to his favorite types of radio programming: westerns and detective programs. Nick got me started on several examples of both genres. I had never even heard of Hawk Larabee, Box 13, Nightbeat; all three were superb shows. I suspect my collection of The Six-Shooter and Have Gun; Will Travel episodes would never have come about if not for Nick.
Nick was generous with his time and his friendship. His devotion to MWOTRC matters led him to serve as program chairman for the year 1995. That same year, he won the Stan Cawelti award.
Through Nick's efforts, many club members found an outlet in television through Fairfax County Access Channel 10's program Out Of The Past. Our club provided original programming in the form of plays such as "Egyptian Bottle Mystery," the first cablecast of that program, "Kiss From A Little Old Lady," and "Mr. Lincoln and the Young Ones." Nick interviewed several members of the club regarding their current published efforts or their knowledge of some segment of popular culture.
It is a blessing to have known Nick Williams. He was generous and genial and sometimes liked to yank your chain. He would put up a gruff exterior; then he would flash that great big smile and you knew he was "puttin' the shuck" on you. MWOTRC is lucky he was a member and I am lucky to have such a rock-solid friend. God bless Nick Williams!