This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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(From Radio Recall, August 2006)
Mr. J. Alec West of Portland, OR, provided us with a copy of his June 2006 letter to the White House.
Dear Mr. President:
July 4th is not only Independence Day. It's the 90th Birthday of a forgotten American hero - Iva Toguri. In WW II, most G.I.s referred to her as "Tokyo Rose." But since the war, evidence mounted that she was treated unfairly by the courts - so much so that President Ford pardoned her in 1977. But a pardon doesn't go quite far enough.
Since then, more evidence has mounted that she "actively" made efforts in her broadcasts to intentionally discredit them and Radio Japan. And, a growing army of supporters suggest that her bravery in doing so on foreign soil, at great personal jeopardy to herself, is deserving of the highest civilian honor possible - The Presidential Medal of Freedom.
I urge you to consider this option, if possible, so that Iva's 90th birthday will be celebrated with the honor and dignity she deserves.
Most Sincerely,
J. Alec West
Mr. West, a new MWOTRC member in Portland OR, has studied the Iva Toguri case for many years.