This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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(From Radio Recall, February 2007)
Richard Lamparski, who many of us associate with his popular series of books, Whatever Became Of....? has a new book out. Entitled Manhattan Diary, it reveals fascinating facts about several entrainment figures of the past. Many prominent OTR personalities are among the stars that Lamparski shines a light on: Arthur Tracy (The Street Singer), Ethel Smith, Sammy Kaye, OTR band leader, Tallulah Bankhead, etc.
This book is available from the publisher, Bear Manor Media, either by going on-line to: www.bearmanormedia.com or snail mail order to P.O. Box 71462, Albany, GA 31708. Retail price is $ 19.95 plus $ 2.50 S & H. For the same price, you can get it personally inscribed and autographed by the author by making your check payable to Richard Lamparski and sending it to his office: Suite G, 216 N. Milpas St., Santa Barbara, CA 93103.