This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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(From Radio Recall, December 2009)
After six seasons in Branson, MO, the Roy Rogers-Dale Evans Museum announced that it will close its doors on December 12, 2009.
The Rogers family wants to thank Roy and Dale's fans for the many wonderful years that the Museum has enjoyed since its opening in California in 1967. However, declining attendance and an uncertain economy have caused the family to make the extremely difficult decision to close the Museum doors. And as Roy Rogers himself told Roy Jr., "If the Museum starts costing you money, then liquidate everything and move on."

Roy Rogers Jr., stated: "The artifacts in the Museum are from Roy and Dale's lifetime together, but after the museum closes, our memories of Roy and Dale will live on forever. Nothing can ever take those away.”
This Museum houses the world's most comprehensive collection of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans memorabilia and artifacts. A 501(c)3 non profit organization, it was established by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans in California in 1967 and moved to Branson, MO in 2003. The Museum is located at 3950 Green Mountain Drive in Branson, Missouri. Call 417.339.1900 for more information or visit http://www.royrogers.com