This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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by Edgar Farr Russell, III
(From Radio Recall, October 2010)
Once again, it gives me great pleasure to thank two individuals who have made some significant donations of material focused on the Golden Age of Radio. Recently I spoke to Mr. Ric Nelson and also to Mrs. Lucille Horn.
As you may remember, Ric has a long and extensive personal and professional connection with radio and television. He worked for a number of television stations including WOR and CBS as a sound engineer. Ric was associated with many notable individuals including Arthur Godfrey, Chet Huntley, Ed Sullivan, The Beatles, and even Captain Kangaroo! Many of the priceless station recordings of Gunsmoke radio broadcasts were saved from destruction by him and presented later to John Hickman. Ric has donated some additional cassettes, record albums, and reel-to-reel tapes.
Our next donation came from Mrs. Horn, whose late husband Bill Eustace worked for many years in the movie industry in New York. He was a longtime fan of Old Time Radio and assembled a very impressive collection of commercially produced record albums, cassettes, and compact discs. Mrs. Horn wished to donate these in his name so that others could share in the same pleasure that he experienced in listening to so many wonderful programs.
On behalf of our Club, I would like to express our deep appreciation to Ric and to Mrs. Horn for their generosity. If you have something you think the Club would enjoy adding to our libraries please let us know!