This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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From Comics to Radio
by Karl Schadow © 2012
(From Radio Recall, October 2012)
For years it has been rumored that The Spirit,
one of the classics of the comics, had its own radio
program. Interest in this seemingly obscure venture
was rejuvenated when A.A. King recently posted
on the Old Time Radio Digest (www.oldradio.net) a
link to Ken "Comic Detective" Quattro's blog
http://thecomicsdetective.blogspot.com with
Ken's request for any information on this unique
incarnation of The Spirit's exploits.
Unique and obscure it is. A radio program of The Spirit is not to be found in any OTR reference
including: Radio Crime Fighters by Jim Cox
(McFarland, 2002) nor Ron Lackmann's Comic
Strips & Comic Books of Radio's Golden Age (Bear
Manor Media, 2004). Most compelling however, is
that The Steranko History of The Comics 2
(Supergraphics, 1972) is most often cited as the
initial source which is reiterated in Ken's blag, for
any existence of such a program.
For those of you new to The Spirit, he
premiered in the publishing field with no advance
publicity in the newspaper trade, on June 2, 1940
as part of a special free Comic Book Section (later
known as The Spirit Section) insert of Sunday
newspapers across North America. This project was
the joint effort of Quality Comic Group (QCG)
publisher Everett M. " Busy" Amold, Register &
Tribune Syndicate (Des Moines, Iowa) and most
importantly comic creator-extraordinaire, Will Eisner
brilliant innovator of three crime-fighting characters
of the Section: The Spirit, Lady Luck and Mr.
The Spirit, former Detective Denny Colt once
thought to be dead, had been revived from a state
of suspended animation to fight crime in Central
City. Accompanied by his faithful African-American
sidekick Ebony White, The Spirit whose real identity was known only to Central City's Police
Commissioner Dolan, operated from a hide-out
located beneath Wildwood Cemetery, the
supposed final resting place of Denny Colt.
His escapades in the Sunday Comic Book
Section continued into the Fall, 1952. A much
anticipated daily strip was added in October 1941
having a prosperous two and one-half year run
closing in March, 1944. Over the past few decades,
those original stories have been reprinted,
predominantly by DC Comics and Kitchen Sink
Press In addition to new series of adventures
being published. lOW Publishing is soon to release
a new compendium of Will Eisner art. The Spirit was produced for TV in a brief 1948 series with a
made-for-TV movie in 1987 A feature film of the
character was seen in movie theaters in 2008. More
on The Spirit and Will Eisner may be found
elsewhere in this issue of Radio Recall. at
www.willeisner.com and www.deniskitchen.com.
The Steranko History had purported a shortlived
program of The Spirit in three Mid-Atlantic
cities: Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, DC
with scripts penned by Enid Hager On his blog,
Ken informs us that Miss Hager had been
associated with The Philadelphia Record (moming
and Sunday newspaper). Thus, the current
research commenced with the perusal of the
broadcasting, newspaper, advertising and
amusement trade periodicals In addition to the vast
pages of The Record and its competitors. Although
The Record had been promoting frequently the
new Comic Book Section in its daily pages, there
was no indication that a sister radio program was
soon to hit the airwaves.
The November 1, 1940 issue of Broadcasting reported a swap between The Record and
Philadelphia's station WFIL of the three crimefighters
comprising the Comic Book Section in The
Sunday Record. Each was to be featured on a
rotating basis in a weekly 15-minute drama adapted
from this Section. Readers of The Record on
Saturday, October 26, 1940 were pleasantly
surprised that Mr. Mystic (a magician with
supernatural powers) was going to be aired at 7:00
that evening on WFIL, with The Spirit slated for next
week. On the radio page of The Record the next
day (October 27th), The Spirit was affirmed for the
upcoming broadcast.
Whether or not the story of Mr. Mystic and his
entanglement with Shanghai dope peddlers
garnered the initial stanza awaits further study as
there was no follow up to confirm which story was
actually presented. A preview in The Record the
following Saturday (November 2nd) indicated that
The Spirit was to be featured that evening but the
publicity tacked a plot summary.
With this night's episode, The Spirit had
joined his fellow characters, from the well·known Blondie and Dick Tracy, to the even more obscure Lew Loyal as comics who had their
founding in the newspaper strips, and who had
made the transition to the medium of radio. To date,
episodes featuring Lady Luck, that dashing
debutante sleuth of the Section have not been
With each succeeding week, a brief story
synopsis was published in The Record, usually
printed on a page other than that carrying the radio
logs. Moreover, in Friday's issues of The Record,
the Comic Book Section and its radio companion
were promoted with bold, one-line statements at
the top of individual comics which probably did not
appease the syndicates distributing Alley Oop, L'il
Abner or The Phantom. Subsequently in early
1941 these one-liners were reduced to a single
comic which varied from week·to-week and
featured just The Spirit on WFIL. Though The Spirit was listed in the radio logs of The Philadelphia
Evening Public Ledger, other sheets merely
indicated the program as 'Dramatization' or refused
to print any WFIL programs at the designated time.
This conundrum illustrates a classic point for all
OTR researchers in that all available newspapers in
a given market should be consulted when seeking
information on programs, especially those locallyproduced.
Amusingly, issues of Movie-Radio Guide which included WFIL programs (Edition 2. MidAtlantic
versions) listed the program as
'Dramatization' for several months before finally
giving the program its official title.

With the episode of November 30th, readers
of The Record were encouraged to listen so that
they could leam how to receive a mask similar to
what The Spirit wore in the comics ... and get it
FREE. The offer
was also plugged on a different page than that
of the weekly plot summary thus culminating in
publicity for The Spirit on three individual pages of
the issue. A Spirit mask is mentioned in The
Steranka History and also in Hake's and Tomart's
toy/premium guides. However, no direct tie-in with
a radio pogram is stated.
It is unknown if other premiums were offered
during The Spirit's stint on WFIL. Ironically, the
radio program was not promoted anywhere in the 16-page, Comic Book Section, an interesting
absence of cross-promotion as the basic premise
of the radio program was to entice listener's to
purchase The Sunday Record.
During the first season which ended in May,
1941, The Spirit encountered a potpourri of
criminals from gangsters to dictators and even a few
femme fatales, all while having to rescue on
occasion, the romantic interest of the strip, Ellen
Dolan, daughter of the police commissioner There
is no current explanation as to the reason behind
the hiatus as the Comic Book Section continued
throughout the summer in The Sunday Record. The Spirit returned for a second season
Saturday. September 6, 1941 at 7 pm on WFIL.
The Record continued to promote the program
both on the radio page and elsewhere with a short
synopsis. The scripts were again adapted by Enid Hager from stories of the Sunday comics. In
September, 1941, The Billboard reported that each
episode could now be heard twice each Saturday
on a regular basis, now that a rebroadcast was
slated for Philadelphia station WHAT.
The Record indicated on September 27th that
a transcription of The Spirit was to be aired that
evening at 9 pm on WHAT. According to this
source, this is the only occasion in which a repeat
performance was scheduled either in the radio logs
or other publicity. Had The Record encountered
technical, contractual or copyright difficulties in
procuring and airing a transcription each week?
Nevertheless, this situation presents a fascinating
scenario that a recording of The Spirit was made
and that one may still exist.
(END OF PART 1 - Continued in December issue)