This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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(From Radio Recall, December 2012)
The first NYOTR convention, held October
13-14, 2012 at the Ramada Plaza at the Newark
Airport, was a success according to several
attendees, including actor Michael Gwynne who
appeared in some of the re-creations.
This event was organized by Jill Schissel, Marc
Kess and Gary Yoggy and featured several guest
stars, including Arthur Anderson, Dan Bianchi,
founder of Radiotheatre and Sheila York, author
of the Lauren Atwill Screenwriter Mystery Series.
Film , theater, television and radio star Tony
Roberts discussed his work on CBS Radio
Mystery Theater to an admiring audience.
There were several fine re-creations. The
Cranston & Spade Theatre Company pertormed
Richard Diamond, Private Detective and an
episode of The Lone Ranger. Also The Old Time
Radio Players presented a re-creation of Quiet,
MWOTRC long·time member. Edgar Farr Russell III directed a well-received comedic recreation
of Raising Junior and Marc Kess next
oversaw a production of The Couple Next Door,
the famous series by Peg Lynch.
As she often did in real lite, Marilyn Monroe
stole the evening's entertainment. Erika Smith, an
MM impersonator, was greeted by cheers and
whistles when she took the stage to be in a recreation
of the classic Edgar Bergen and Charlie
McCarthy program where Charlie is to many
Marilyn Monroe.
Erika not only triumphed in the radio role, she
nearly brought down the house when she sang to
honored guest, Arthur Anderson, "Happy Birthday"
(the same way MM did to JFK) and then she
followed it with "I Wanna Make Love to You".
Arthur handled the attention with aplomb.
Other attractions during this event were Usa
DeMarco Brandi discussing "The DeMarco
Sisters~ and Dr. Cynthia Meyers, whose topic was
"Dramatizing a Bar of Soap: Admen as the
Showmen of Radio".
Bart Curtis ran the mikes and all the
sound effects single-handedly. Supporting cast in
the re-creations included: Simon Jones, Larry
Conroy and Craig Wichman.
There were about twelve vendors in the
dealers' rooms and they seemed to be doing
good business. The banquet room was limited to
100 diners, which did not accommodate all the
folks who wanted to participate.
Michael Gwynne concluded that NYOTA "was
a resounding success and it most definitely will
return next year." (We shall see .... )