This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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by Martin Grams Jr. ©2013
(From Radio Recall ,February 2013)
As old man 2012 exited stage left and the
newbom 2013 started to crawl on stage, one of
the most exciting things I am looking forward to in
the coming year is video streaming at the MidAtlantic
Nostalgia Convention. Always thinking
outside the box, the future (and possibly survival)
of conventions will be dependent on new
technology Integrated and embraced.
This September radio re-creations, panels and
slide show presentations at MANe are going to
be video streamed over the intemet. Anyone with
access to a computer can watch the events live
from the comfort of their own home. For years,
internet radio stations have been broadcasting
live from conventions such as the Cincinnati OTR
Convention, the Friends of Old-Time Radio and
MANC. If you tuned in to any of these five radio
broadcasts, you know that even the radio hosts
have repeated time and time again that there is
nothing like being at the event while it is
happening. While the service is free.
I often feel the only radio listeners to benefit
from that service were people who, lor health
reasons, could not make the travel. If their work
schedule would not permit them to get off to
attend the convention, that would be another
reason. But you cannot see the photos during the
slide show presentations. The good people
delivering the slide show seminars have always
had to describe the photos on the screen for the
benefit of the radio listeners. You cannot see the
hand gestures celebrities make when telling a
funny story. This has been a problem that has
plagued all radio hosts broadcasting from
While the technology for video streaming is not
periect enough to be described as looking
through a glass window, the technology has
advanced to a point where the possibility is now
feasible. What we hope to do this September is
place a video camera in the room and upload the
picture and audio to the Internet where people at
home can simply push a couple buttons from our
convention website and watch the events live as
they happen from their computer screen.
Don't let the terminology turn you away. For
those who do not understand what ·video
streaming- is, in simplistic terms it is the
equivalent of turning to a TV channel and
watching the evening news on your TV screen.
The Image should be good enough that no one
should have any complaints. While it is not
"streaming" per se, it would be the equivalent, if
not better, than watching a video clip on YouTube.
The only stumbling block is the internet speed and connection viewers have at their house. The
better the internet connection, the better the
picture. An older computer versus a newer
computer with more speed and memory, and dial
up modem versus high speed cable will make a
difference. That's the only obstacle we face at the
moment, but we cannot tell the mainstream public
that they need to have new computers, updated
web browsers (Firefox is better than Internet
Explorer by the way) and superb internet
connections. That's something they would need to
find out for themselves.
But we would be willing to help assist anyone
in advance. Just this past year my wife and I
discovered we were not getting the better internet
speed (at the same price) so we called the cable
company and upgraded. Boy, our internet speed
is faster nowl But most people should not have
any difficulties. On Sunday morning, our local
church video streams the selVices for people at
home (especially on days where winter weather
prevents them from leaving the house) so we
know the same can be done for MANC.
Video streaming would have been done two
years ago but we faced a number of obstacles.
We want folks with both a PC and a MAC to
access the video stream. We need to prevent
computer hackers from causing malicious
mischief. We took into account every contingency
with the very few who will try to find loopholes. On
a technical side , the entire operation is
complicated. But we believe we have ironed out
all the bugs.
The procedure is costly and will amount to
four-digit figures. To adjust accordingly, a small
fee will be charged for access. At this moment, it
is estimated that it will cost $20 per calendar day
to access the video stream. In comparison, this is
the same cost of admission if they were to attend
the show personally. For people living in Alaska,
Canada, England and Califomia, this should be cheaper when compared to the expenses of hotel
and airfare. But again, nothing will compare to
attending and experiencing meeting everyone in
By way of explanation, the rationale thinking
was if we gave the stream away for free, we'd be
giving people in the local area a reason to stay
home rather than attend the convention. I feel
certain the daily admission will not surpass $20.
And I would like to state for the record that the
access fee is not being proposed in an effort to
make a financial profit. There is already enough
people out there (non·MANC attendees) who are
quick to speak negative about the event using
such words as "profiteering" and "undermining."
The purpose of the admission fee is to
reimburse the costs of video streaming. If the
technical costs are lower the admission cost will
be lower We would even send a program guide
via e·mail to paying attendees who choose to
video stream from home, so they do not go empty
handed. There may even be a few video specials
in between the events during the down time ...
perhaps a panel seminar from last year's event?
There will no doubt be a few bugs to iron out
before the convention starts nine months from
now. We plan to have the system up and running
long before the convention so we can kick the
tires and give it a test drive. We're a few months
away from success.
But once we get this up and going, we're
prepared to share the same hookup system with
others so hopefully it will become a trend at other
conventions like SPERDVAC, REPS and the new
Cincinnati Nostalgia EXPO. Perhaps old time
radio clubs will be able to video stream monthly
meetings to their members. We certainly hope
others who experiment on their own will keep the
'door open and be willing to share what they
discover through trial and error After all, everyone
stands to benefit from this.
The big question that cannot be answered at
this time is how many people will be willing to
embrace the new technology and give it a try. I've
heard dozens of reasons from people why they
cannot attend conventions. Now with video
streaming, we are can bring the convention to
their home. Who knows? Maybe over time there
will be more people watching the slide show
seminars on the web than attendees sitting in the
audience. For those who do not attend
conventions, and know nothing more about
conventions than the magazine articles they read,
this is an opportunity to grasp the concept as it is
happening first·hand.
Folks who missed past events can still
purchase DVDs of past seminars but keep in
mind that not all of the events were filmed and the
cost to purchase a DVD is $10. With six or seven
DVDs compiling the majority of the seminars for
each calendar year, the cost of video streaming isstill beneficial to folks who live far, far away.
The attendance at MANC has grown every
year becoming a huge venue for authors to
promote their books, magazines editors to display
past issues, national media coverage, web
bloggers and website owners, and so on. Last
year's attendance broke past 2,000. Since it is
difficult to classify what type of convention MANC
is (one·third old-time radio, old-third old movies
and old·third nostalgic pop culture), but if you
were to consider MANC an old·time radio
convention. statistically, MANC is the largest old·
time radio convention in the country. For those
questioning the 2,000 figure, our method of
keeping count is relatively simple. We give away
one 4S·page program guide to every paying
attendee. No more, no less. Attendees cannot buy
extra copies.
At the end of the weekend, we subtracted the
difference from what was left over and we have
our head count. This year we had 2,000 program
guides printed up and we ran out of program
guides by Saturday afternoon. My mother·in·law,
Mary Ethel, and her friends Barb and Mary, who
ran the front desk, asked me what they should do.
"Just give them a wrist band and thank them for
coming," I explained. There wasn't anything else
we could do. Mary Ethel did try to keep a head
count of people coming through after she ran out
of program guides but she wasn't sure she
counted everyone and I told her we would not
count the extras beyond 2,000 anyway. So the
official figure for 2012 is 2,000. We expect a
larger crowd for 2013.
The dates of this year's event are September 19,
20 and 21. 2013. The convention website is
It is difficult to believe no one
has video streamed seminars,
panels and slide show presentations
from other OTR
conventions. But we had
discussions with a dozen
people over the past year
regarding video streaming
to get their opinion. We
consulted those who are
experienced with such
technology. Everyone has been
enthusiastic and everyone. myself included,
believe this might be the future of conventions
and monthly club meetings. The hobby of old-time
radio changed when the internet came into being.
Now the hobby takes another bold step and
moves further into the 21st century. A year from
now, we may know the answer.