This story was published in Radio Recall, the journal of the Metropolitan Washington Old-Time Radio Club, published six times per year.
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Trove of A Date With Judy Found
by Stewart Wright, ©2013
(From Radio Recall, December 2013)
Due to the efforts of Old-Time Radio
collector/dealer, Jerry Haendiges, over 140
additional A Date With Judy episodes (including 10 partial episodes) are coming into circulation. This
find increases the number of available episodes for
the series from 25 to 166 out of a total 306
episodes. Jerry and I have compared our primary
source episode information to ensure that the
episodes are correctly dated and titled.
You can find a listing of Jerry's available
episodes at:
Jerry is planning to offer many of these episodes to
his SPERDVAC members within the next few
months. To see transcription disc labels for these
episodes, go to: www.jerrysoldtimeradio.com/tdl-0011
For my broadcast log of the series that includes
much background information, see:
Five A Date With Judy episodes were
recently aired on Jerry's "Old Time Radio Classics"
show which airs over the Web. On October 13th,
Jerry aired four episodes that featured the four of
the five actors who played Judy: Ann Gillis, Dellie
Ellis, Louise Erickson and Jane Powell. (Powell
played Judy in one 1947 episode to promote the
upcoming A Date With Judy motion picture in which
she starred.) Jane Webb also played Judy in one
On October 27th, Jerry aired a 1945 episode
"The Haunted House." You can listen to these
episodes at:
Look for the programs "Four Dates With Four
Judys" and "Halloween Special."